Holy Holi Powder!
Holi Powder Senior Session with Miss Abigail!

Well I have to say, this is probably one of the most scary, fun and creative photos hoots we've ever done! Abigail had this idea back when we shot her senior pictures this fall ... a holi powder senior session. We loved the idea! I immediately delved deep into research, trying to find any advice out there. Let me tell you some of the things I found scared the heck out of me! Photo gear completely covered in powered ... ruined. Of course these horror stories were from Color Runs, so this senior session could be a little different. Needless to say the weather got bad and we hadn't had a chance to do it. Then it snowed. We went to bed around our usual 12:30 am time - and I say to Sean - how cool would it be to do this in the snow? We had a simi-free weekend coming up, snow on the ground and good ole' Amazon has next day delivery. I said, "If I do not order it now, next day, it won't get here." So I grab my phone off the nightstand and order her powder. I was so excited about it, that I event told our UPS guy, Scott, allll about it! Anyway, the shoot was AMAZING! I'm still going through photos - so you'll have to check back for the results. Abigail was so awesome. I can't wait to share with her the final results!!